When you’re running a  retail business, signs of the need for effective  maintenance doesn’t present themselves on a daily basis. Truth be told, most days are fairly straightforward – you serve your customers, sell your inventory, then go home and prepare to do it all again tomorrow. Yet on occasion, when a maintenance mishap does occur, the effects can be severely inconvenient. Consider, for example, the impact of a broken stock cart  or unusable  rolling equipment. Having these pieces of broken equipment could seriously affect the ability of your employee’s to do their jobs effectively. 
Dealing with such issues and finding solutions presents their own set of problems. Scheduling sudden repairs could be costly.  You have to schedule a service call for repairs more often than if it was resolved during a routine full maintenance service. What about the satisfaction of your customers? Are they inclined to have a better shopping experience when using carts that are in tiptop shape versus carts that need repairs? These are things to consider, but not something you have to worry about solving alone. Thomas Commercial Carts gives you the peace of mind knowing that during our service visit we have taken care of the “what if’s” by fully repairing or  removing, worn or soon to be unusable equipment before they become another problem to deal with.
Our shopping cart service plans can be implemented once or twice per year and this includes cleaning. By cleaning your shopping carts during each  service will help decrease the amount of possibly harmful bacteria that may have  accumulated . Changing bad wheels or badly worn down wheels prevents them from becoming a nuisance or unusable before the next service date. Replacing broken or dry rotted seat belts allows safe customer shopping. Replacing bumpers reduce risk of damaging or scratching impact areas as well as keep up the neat appearance of your shopping carts. Making sure all handles are clearly marked handles with your store name gives an overall  good appearance of your carts and helps in the return of your carts in the event that they are removed from your stores by the customers.
Why preventive maintenance?
The purpose of our expanding Preventive Maintenance (PM) Program is to ensure the efficiency and extend the life of equipment and reduce the occurrence of unscheduled equipment breakdowns. 
Our Preventive Maintenance Program includes all equipment. 
By performing preventive maintenance we are able to detect and correct problems before they occur.
Our PM program is an ongoing process which will continue to expand as new assets are identified.
Thomas Commercial Carts gets the job done right the first time. Don’t tackle your maintenance needs alone.