Thomas Commercial Carts is committed to helping our customers solve all of their preventative maintenance and transport problems. That’s why we are here for the big, small or emergency projects.
Need a large produce case removed from your store or relocated to another store? Contact us to get the problem solved. We provide quick turnaround times and emergency service for your convenience. With 24/7 customer service, we are always just a phone call away.
Here’s an example of an emergency service we handled for one of  our customers. None of our competitors could assist them with the removal of this heavy lift from their dumpster area. That’s why we’re your #1 source for your special project needs.
Projects we can help you with:
Store opening and closings.
Removal of trash, debris and heavy objects from any location around the store.
Removal of new/used items and debris from storage rooms.
Retrieval of shopping carts from nearby neighborhood.
Pickup and delivery of items from closed stores to new or existing stores.